
Movement support for collapsible Team shelters

Industrial Gas Springs – Push Type GS-8 to GS-70
Gas springs allow the roof of the team shelter to be collapsible when not in use Copyright: Sportsfield Specialties, Inc., Delhi, NY 13753, USA
Leisure, Hobby & Sports
sports equipment, hoods, folding elements

Sport construction equipment manufacturer uses ACE gas springs in new project

The Weatherscape™ Team Shelter, created by Sportsfield, is designed to have a collapsible roof that can be lowered to the ground when not in use. The unique parameters of this design made it difficult to determine the needed spring force and ideal placement for the mounting of the gas spring. Sportsfield wanted the roof panel to be able to be lifted and lowered by a single user, the panel weighed well over 90 kg and was over 6.1 meter long.
ACE in-house prototyping and calculation tools helped them zero in on the perfect gas spring for this application. In the end, ACE was able to provide the winning combination of quality product and a strong platform of services and support.

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