
Rotating and pivoting systems for large telescopes

Industrial Shock Absorbers MA/ML33 to MA/ML64
Perfect overshoot protection for precision telescope
swivel units, turntables, portal systems, machines and plants, tool machines

Smooth braking of heavy precision telescopes in several spatial axes

ACE industrial shock absorbers offer safety to spare for swiveling or braking of large telescope. The optical system of this telescope for special observations is moveable in two space coordinates. The structure in which the telescope is mounted weighs 15,000 kg and consists of a turntable with drives and two wheel disks rotating on bearings. It enables a rotation by ±90° from horizon to horizon. To safeguard the telescope in case of overshooting the respective swiveling limits, industrial shock absorbers ML3325 from ACE are used as braking elements. Should the telescope inadvertently overshoot the permissible swivel range, they will safely damp the travel of the valuable telescope.

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